Last week, we learned that operator error was one of the primary causes of a crane collapse earlier this year in Manhattan that killed one and injured others. Unfortunately, these kinds of hazardous crane accidents happen more frequently than one would expect, and they injure many innocent people.

Cranes are vital in construction, but given their size and power, can be extremely dangerous. Many times, employees underestimate the force of this tool and do not take the necessary precautions. According to OSHA, more than 70% of crane accidents in the United States are preventable if proper operation and safety measures are followed.

In order to help workers stay safe, below you’ll find several crane operation safety tips by Kone Cranes, a well-known crane and hoist manufacturer, that workers should follow in order to prevent unfortunate incidents.

  • New operators should complete a one-day class on crane operation and rigging and should be trained on the specific equipment they will operate. In addition, they should be closely monitored while operating during the first weeks on the job.
  • Never operate a crane if you have not completed the proper training required by OSHA.
  • Always conduct a pre-operational inspection of the crane before each shift and check the upper limit switch at the start of each shift.
  • Inspect the rigging gear. According to Kone Cranes, almost 27% of crane accidents involved load drops, of which 59% were attributed to rigging problems.
  • Be alert. Make sure other workers are at a safe distance from the crane and the materials you are moving. Do not operate a crane if you are not feeling well.
  • Never stand under a load. Load drops and load swings happen all the time in constructions, and you should always be careful.
  • Never operate a crane that has a malfunction. As silly as it may look, a minimal failure may result in a catastrophe.
  • Do not operate a crane on difficult climate conditions.

As responsible operators, workers should make the safety of the people that surround the crane their top priority. If you or a loved one experience a construction accident related to a crane, contact us immediately for a free consultation. We will analyze your case and walk you through your legal rights.

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