Boating accidents in New York are not as uncommon as some would like to believe that they are. In fact, these can often occur due to an operator’s negligent or careless actions such as inattentiveness or intoxication. New York boat accidents can also happen when a boat isn’t properly maintained.
If you’ve been in an accident and need a lawyer contact us. One of our New York City personal injury lawyers can determine who was responsible and hold them accountable for monetary damages. This includes compensation for hospitalization, medical expenses, rehabilitation, and home care. You may also be eligible for benefits to cover lost income, pain, suffering and emotional trauma.
A boat is very different from a car – it does not brake and maneuvers completely differently. It is therefore vastly important that operators are both properly trained and respectful of the vehicle that they are operating. The following vehicles are some of the most common to be involved in accidents while on a waterway:
Jet skis;
Military boats;
Cruise ships;
Ferries; and
Fishing boats
Negligent Operation of Watercraft
This can result in head trauma, back problems and drowning, just to name a few. The boat accident lawyers at Hecht Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., are an experienced firm that can give you sound advice regarding boating accidents and how to file a claim. Boat owners are legally required to properly maintain their vessels and operate them safely.
Various state and federal regulations govern both private and commercial boating activities with guidelines regarding the speed at which vessels can travel during poor weather conditions, how many passengers are allowed on the boat, and the type of safety equipment that must be provided.
As your attorney, we will prepare all of the documentation needed for your claim and pursue any benefits that you are due, including wrongful death benefits if a loved one was fatally injured.
NY Ferry Accidents
When it comes to methods of transportation, there is virtually no way to avoid the potential for accidents and injuries. From motor vehicle collisions, to bus crashes, to motorcycle accidents, it seems as if every mode of transportation comes with its own set of potential perils. The same is true of ferry boats, which provide public transportation to hundreds of individuals on a daily basis.
Was the ferry boat following Coast Guard regulations?
In the aftermath of any type of accident, a thorough investigation into the nature of the incident must be conducted. This is particularly true of incidents related to ferry boat disasters. As a highly used method of public transportation, these water vessels carry with them the potential for catastrophe in the event that an accident of any nature should occur. Therefore, it is of the up most importance that the circumstances leading up to any sort of ferry boat accident be acutely investigated.
Strict guidelines and safety precautions exist in regard to the standard operations of ferry boats in areas throughout the U.S. Not only must these water-crafts adhere to state-specific regulations, but they are also subjected to federally mandated safety measures, as enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. In the event of an accident, the standards of operation that were being conducted at the time that trouble struck need to be called into question. To do so effectively, a New York injury lawyer from our firm should be contacted at once.
All ferry boats that travel along U.S. waters must comply with the rules and regulations set forth by our nation’s Coast Guard. Among these regulations include the requirement to be fully equipped with expedient rescue boats, the requirement to be fully stocked with necessary firefighting gear, and the requirement to provide the appropriate number of life rafts and escape slides for the number of passengers and crew members aboard the water vessel. If it is found that any one of these requirements was neglected in the days or hours prior to a ferry accident, there could be serious cause for legal action.
Manning Requirements
The Coast Guard’s regulation of ferry boat operations in New York and throughout the country are extremely thorough. The guidelines imposed on ferry boat owners and operators are so extensive, in fact, that they even include regulations regarding the appropriate action to take should an act of terrorism threaten the lives aboard the vessel. Taking a closer look at the expectations of ferry crew members, it seems as if no possibility for potential problems has been overlooked. From the abandon-ship protocols needed in the event of a disaster to the regular firefighting drills required of crew members, every issue is provided with a preventive measure.
The U.S. Coast Guard’s manning requirements for ferry crew members perfectly exhibit the sheer level of thought and prevention-planning that have been invested into incidents of this nature. Take, for example, the stipulations under which these water vessels must be run. In order to safely and legally set sail, ferries must first be equipped with a minimum number of seafarers of predetermined designated ratings. These crew members are also required to carry merchant mariners’ documents for their appropriate ratings, as documented in the certification requirements of the Basic Training regulations.
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“I cannot recommend Jon Damashek highly enough. I attribute the favorable outcome of my case to his consummate and tireless dedication and tenacity. Just as important, he was truly there with me every step of the way. He was very…
Boat accidents are much like other transportation accidents. Both can usually be reasonably avoided; both can leave unsuspecting victims severely injured; and both warrant the need to take legal action. As such, the professional team at Hecht Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., has dedicated a special portion of our personal injury practice specifically to the representation of boat accidents in New York City.
For persons who were injured on a boat or a ferry car deck, we are here to help. For persons who suffered from an accident resulting from poor maintenance, we are here to work for you. For persons whose lives were endangered by an engine room bilge accident, we are ready to assist you seek compensation. For those who lost a loved one due to drowning while on a boat, we sympathize and are here for you. With more than 75 years of combined experience, we are prepared to put our legal skills to work for you, so don’t wait to contact us today.