Last week, we discussed some of the reasons why slip and fall accidents increase in the Fall. This season also brings some unique hazards for drivers which can be even more harmful than those for pedestrians. For this reason, we’re sharing some of the most common hazards you need to watch out for to avoid accidents when driving.

  • Poor Visibility: Falling leaves, rain and fog can limit your vision. Days are also shorter, which makes it more difficult to see objects on the streets.
  • Beautiful but Dangerous Leaves: Wet leaves can be as slippery as ice. Always slow down on leaf-covered streets. Falling leaves may also cover lane lines and other road signs, so be extremely cautious and pay attention to the edge of the road.
  • Slow down when driving on bridges, overpasses, and shaded spots.
  • Beware of ice and snow: Bridges usually ice before the rest of the road. Obscure spots on the roadway may be home to black ice, and you may not be aware of it until your car starts to slide.
  • Sun glare: During Fall, the first 15 to 45 minutes after sunrise and before sunset can make driving even more difficult because of glare. There are several safety tips for how to avoid sun glare.
  • Watch out for “Foliage-Peepers”: Some drivers will be stopping on the roads to take photographs and enjoy what this beautiful season has to offer. Drive carefully and at a safe distance from other vehicles.
  • Watch out for animals: Fall marks the beginning of deer and other animals’ breeding season. These are always more active in zones near the road during this time of year.

It is also important to always have your car checked before hitting the road. Check your tires’ pressure, make sure your windshield wipers are in good conditions, adjust your headlights, and always have an emergency kit ready in case you experience an accident in the middle of the road.

If you suffer a car accident due to the negligent behavior of another driver, you should not pay for the resulting damages. Contact our firm as soon as possible so we can analyze your case and help you get the maximum compensation you deserve.

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