Motor vehicle accidents happen every day in New York City. To reduce and ideally eliminate traffic accidents, the City initiated Vision Zero. This program established priorities for New York City to utilize its resources to make a difference in how people drive and reduce the number of wrecks citywide.

History of Vision Zero in New York City

Vision Zero officially became a policy in New York City in 2014. It acknowledges that the primary mission of the government is to protect the public. New York citizens deserve safe streets, and Vision Zero is a way that this can be accomplished.

Each year more than 3,000 New York citizens are seriously injured in traffic crashes. More than 200 people are fatally injured. Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of injury-related deaths in children under 14. They are the second leading cause of senior deaths.

Vision Zero combines engineering, enforcement, and education, intending to reduce traffic accident injuries significantly.

Enforcing Laws to Reduce Crash Numbers

Enforcing New York motor vehicle laws is a primary method for reducing car crash accidents and injuries. The City has expanded enforcement against dangerous moving violations like speeding and failing to yield to pedestrians.

There has been an increase in penalties for dangerous drivers to dissuade other potential crash-causing activities like distracted driving and drunk driving. Drivers who are caught violating traffic laws are more likely to face time in jail or high fines.

Engineering to Improve Safety

New York City has also heavily invested in engineers to devise new street designs, traffic patterns, and configurations. The City wants to improve motor vehicle safety throughout all boroughs.

Public Education

There has been a broad public outreach to educate New York City residents about safe driving and safely interacting with other cars, pedestrians, and cyclists on the road. The public is encouraged to ask questions, make suggestions, and implement this new awareness on the streets of New York.

Vision Zero’s Success

Traffic fatalities in New York have fallen significantly from 701 in 1990 to 381 in 2000, a drop of more than one-third. NYC is now nationally and internationally recognized as an innovator in safe street designs.

Vision Zero also reduced speeding by more than 60% near school zones. The program uses cameras to identify drivers who are traveling above the posted limit.
While Vision Zero is a great start, it needs everyone in NYC to participate. As car accident lawyers in NYC, we encourage our neighbors to take extra care and caution when driving, walking, or pedaling in the City.

NYC Car Accident Lawyers

Until there are fewer car accidents, there will continue to be accident victims. If you were hurt in a car accident, you could be entitled to compensation from the liable party. An NYC car accident lawyer protects your rights and helps you secure a financial recovery for medical bills, lost pay, and other damages.

Call Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. for a free consultation at (212) 490-5700.

Contact Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers

Located in Midtown-Manhattan, Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek is an experienced group of injury lawyers helping injury victims in Manhattan and throughout NYC. To talk with our top-rated New York City personal injury lawyers about your options, submit your information through our online form to request a free initial consultation.

We offer free case evaluations and no up-front fees. You only pay us if we recover compensation.

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