house fireHouse or apartment fires happen every year with more frequency in New York. This type of incidents causes stress and trauma in the victims who may suffer terrible injuries and loose not only their home and their belongings, but also in some cases, a loved one.  The truth is that most of these fires are caused by people’s inattention and lack of knowledge on the subject matter; but if certain safety measures are taken into consideration these incidents can be easily prevented.

Today, we want to help you keep your family and home safe by sharing with you a few safety measures to prevent a house or apartment fire. Follow these tips and educate your family on the dangers of fire at home to protect your loved ones and your belongings.

Check your Home

The best way to beat a fire is to prevent it in the first place. If possible, hire someone who has experience on the matter to check your home’s electrical wiring, plumbing, heating and air conditioning to ensure that everything is functioning and there’s no risk of a fire.

Smoke Detector with Alarm and Extinguisher

New York law requires that all households have a smoke detector alarm, but it is your responsibility to check that it runs smoothly and that the batteries are replaced when necessary. In addition, keep a fire extinguisher handy, make sure it works and know how to use it.

Caution in the Kitchen

While cooking, always stay in the kitchen, do not leave cooking food unattended. Never place dishtowels, plastic utensils, and paper towels on top or near the kitchen. If possible, try not to wear long sleeve shirts or sweaters while cooking. Keep lighters and matches out of children’s reach.


If possible, try not to smoke indoors. When you empty the ashtrays check that residues of cigarettes are fully extinguished. Do not smoke in bed, this is a major cause of death from house fires.


During the winter it is important to keep radiators out of the reach of children. Make sure these appliances are at least one meter away from the bed. Never dry clothes or shoes on them.

Candles and Incense

Never leave a room with a candle or incense on; this is another major cause of house fires. It is also very important to turn them off before going to sleep. Make sure there are no flammable materials close and that they are not reachable to any child.

We hope that these safety measures help you prevent incidents that may affect the comfort of your home. If you or a loved one suffered a fire because of the actions of a third party, do not hesitate to contact us; we are here to fight for your rights and the compensation you and your family deserve.

Contact Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers

Located in Midtown-Manhattan, Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek is an experienced group of injury lawyers helping injury victims in Manhattan and throughout NYC. To talk with our top-rated New York City personal injury lawyers about your options, submit your information through our online form to request a free initial consultation.

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