Accidentes de Ascensor en New York | Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C.

Para la mayoría de los residentes de la ciudad de Nueva York, viajar en un ascensor es una parte normal de la vida. Usando un ascensor es una necesidad para mucha gente. Según Consumer Watch, hay cerca de un millón de ascensores en los Estados Unidos. Hacen más de 18 millones de viajes al año, cada uno con un promedio de cinco personas por viaje.

En general, los ascensores son confiables y seguros. Sin embargo, ocasionalmente ocurren accidentes. La Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales informa que más de 10,200 personas se lesionan cada año en un accidente de ascensor y aproximadamente 30 personas se mueren. En general, para el público, alrededor del 50% de las muertes son el resultado de caer en el hueco del ascensor; el otro 50% se distribuye entre los siguientes:

  • Estar atrapado entre la cabina del ascensor y la pared del hueco del ascensor
  • Quedar atrapado dentro de las partes móviles del elevador.
  • Sacudidas repentinas, paradas y / o aterrizajes
  • Las puertas no se abren o no se abren lo suficiente
  • Fallas de energía

Para los trabajadores de mantenimiento de ascensores, el 50% de heridas y muertes resultaron de caer en el hueco de un ascensor. Para los trabajadores de construcción que están alrededor de los elevadores, el 53% de las muertes ocurren durante la instalación o reparación.

Defectos y Mal Funciones

Los defectos y los accidentes de ascensores pueden ser causados ​​por una variedad de defectos y/o mal funcionamiento, incluidos los siguientes:

  • Puertas defectuosas
  • Pobre nivelación; es decir, falla de la cabina del ascensor para alinearse con el piso
  • Mal funcionamiento mecánico o mal funcionamiento del sistema de poleas que causa que el elevador caiga rápidamente dentro del eje
  • Cableado defectuoso de la función de control del elevador
  • Mal funcionamiento del cableado como resultado del calor de un incendio o agua de los rociadores de emergencia
  • Reparaciones, mantenimiento o inspecciones de mala calidad


Responsabilidad de las instalaciones

En la ciudad de Nueva York, un propietario es responsable de mantener las instalaciones, incluidos sus ascensores, en condiciones razonablemente seguras. Como explica FindLaw, esto se conoce como responsabilidad de las instalaciones. Los dueños de propiedades, o algunas veces sus residentes, son responsables por cualquier accidente o lesión que ocurra en su propiedad.

Los visitantes a la propiedad generalmente caen dentro de una de las siguientes cuatro clasificaciones:

  • Invitado: alguien invitado implícitamente a la propiedad, como un cliente, empleado, inspector, etc.
  • Licenciatario: alguien que está alquilando o alquilando espacio en el edificio
  • Invitado social: alguien que es el invitado del propietario
  • Intruso: alguien que está en la propiedad sin ningún derecho o autorización.

Los propietarios o sus residentes deben cuidar razonablemente a cualquier persona que no sea intruso para asegurarse de que el local sea seguro. Esto significa que son responsables del mantenimiento y la reparación adecuados de todos los aspectos de la propiedad. Incluso con respecto a los intrusos, especialmente a los niños, los propietarios, arrendatarios y residentes están obligados a dar una advertencia razonable de cualquier condición del local que pueda causar lesiones o la muerte.

Comprobando la Responsabilidad de las Instalaciones

La US Law Network define la negligencia como la incapacidad de ejercer “el grado de cuidado que una persona razonablemente prudente habría usado bajo las mismas circunstancias”. Cuando un propietario, o residente del establecimiento incumple ese deber de cuidado, puede ser responsable de los daños cuando un visitante sufre una lesión. Sin embargo, esto es cierto solo si existe una relación entre él y el visitante.

El Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Nueva York declara que la responsabilidad de las instalaciones es bastante amplia en Nueva York, abarcando cualquier condición insegura que resulte en una lesión o muerte. Para tener éxito en una demanda por responsabilidad civil, el demandante debe poder probar las siguientes tres cosas:

  • Que él o ella estaba legalmente en las instalaciones, como ser un invitado o alguien contratado para trabajar en la propiedad
  • Que el propietario o residente fue negligente; es decir, que sabía o debería haber sabido que existía una condición peligrosa en la propiedad que no pudo reparar o que no fue reparada adecuadamente
  • Que el propietario o la negligencia del residente causaron la lesión del demandante.

En la ciudad de Nueva York, un propietario o residente no debe cuidar a un intruso. Sin embargo, hay dos excepciones a esta regla. Si un propietario o residente sabe o debería haber sabido que hay un intruso en la propiedad y no hace nada para aliviar la situación, se considera que accedió a la presencia del intruso y puede ser considerado responsable de cualquier lesión que el intruso recibe. Del mismo modo, si hay una molestia atractiva en la propiedad, como una piscina sin cercar, que el propietario o residente sabe o debería haber sabido que atraerá niños, (s) puede ser considerado responsable de cualquier lesión que el niño reciba.


Qué hacer si fue victima de un accidente en un ascensor

Para los residentes de Nueva York, los ascensores son una forma de transporte extremadamente necesaria, y tendemos a dar por sentado que los que utilizamos todos los días siempre funcionan correctamente. Desafortunadamente, pueden ocurrir malfuncionamientos que pueden causar un accidente en un ascensor que resulta en lesiones terribles que pueden afectar la salud de la víctima.

Cada año en los Estados Unidos, aproximadamente 17.000 personas sufren lesiones y 30 personas mueren en accidentes en elevadores. Estos accidentes pueden ocurrir en hoteles, edificios de oficinas, edificios públicos, centros comerciales, escuelas y aeropuertos, entre muchos otros. Los dueños y gerentes son responsables del mantenimiento del ascensor, y pueden ser considerados responsables si ocurre un accidente.

Las estadísticas muestran que es más probable que algunas personas sufran un accidente en un ascensor. Estos incluyen trabajadores que instalan o reparan ascensores, ancianos y niños, y personas que viajan en ascensores diariamente para trabajar. Los tipos más comunes de accidentes de ascensor incluyen mal funcionamiento de la puerta, nivelación incorrecta, parada brusca y caídas.

Si usted o un ser querido es víctima de un accidente de ascensor, esto es lo que debe hacer para obtener compensación:

  • Salga del ascensor inmediatamente. Si no puede moverse, pida ayuda.
  • Busque atención médica. Incluso si te sientes bien, algunas lesiones pueden aparecer más tarde. Pídale a su médico un informe completo.
  • Recopile información. Si hay testigos u otras víctimas, obtenga su información de contacto.
  • Si es posible, documente la escena. Tome fotos del ascensor y donde ocurrió el accidente. Cuanto más detalles obtenga, mayor será la probabilidad de que sea compensado.
  • Póngase en contacto con un abogado. Un abogado experto en accidentes de ascensor puede ayudarle a entender sus opciones legales y perseguir una demanda para maximizar su posible compensación.

Si usted o un miembro de la familia se lesiona en un accidente de ascensor, llámenos hoy para una consulta gratis. Estamos aquí para luchar por la compensación que usted y su familia se merecen!


Google Reviews


When I spoke to Mr.Noah Reiss he gave me valuable legal advice. Connected the dots who and why. He is a great asset to this firm. Will call him again as a friend. Thank you so much.

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Ross Raggio, did an amazing job on my case. The office staff was responsive and very helpful to my questions and concerns. I had a very good experience. I highly recommend this firm.

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I had a great lawyer with a great Paralegal that made everything easy to understand.

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I am extremely satisfied and pleased most of all grateful for the services of Jonathan and his team! It is such a relief to have a strong team supporting you through a process that’s stressful. Thank you again for everything.

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Hetch,Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., is the law office I highly recommend. My attorney Judd Kleeger, accomplished to represent me, support my needs & secure my future after suffering a traumatic accident. Other lawyers couldn’t guarantee this to me but Judd…

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I can say without hesitation that if you are injured due to someone else’s fault, that no one will fight harder and more passionately for you than Jordan Hecht and Judd Kleeger. I have worked side by side with them…

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Amazing job, settled my case in 90 days.

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I highly recommend the law firm of Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek – as well as my attorney, Jordan Hecht. Jordan was able to answer all of my questions and put me at ease. He was always responsive and patient. He…

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I have referred numerous cases to Judd Kleeger and the team at HKD. I feel very confident when i refer a client that they will be treated with the highest regard. Each of my referrals has had very positive experiences…

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I was always able to reach my attorney Judd Kleeger with any concern I had about my case. He responded timely and with the utmost courtesy to my sometimes desperate phone calls and email. He knew exactly what to do…

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The attorneys at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek are smart, professional, responsive and dedicated to achieving the best results for their clients. Most importantly, they are trustworthy and genuinely good people who you can depend upon.

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Judd Kleeger and his team are extremely competent, super professional and have achieved consistently better results than I or my clients had anticipated. He is my “go to” PI team. This was my experience over a decade and not just…

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I have known Judd Kleeger for over a decade now. By far the smartest hardest working attorney I have ever dealt with. His advice has been spot on time and time again. Highly recommend him.

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I retained Judd Kleeger for a personal injury case. I would, without hesitation, recommend Judd, and his firm, for anyone who finds themselves in a situation that demands a tenacious advocate who will not stop fighting until he gets results.

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I can’t recommend Judd Kleeger enough. He is without a doubt the most professional lawyer I’ve encountered. Judd Kleeger is diligent and quick in his responses, always making sure his clients are in the right hands. I’ve never had to…

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Judd Kleeger is an exceptional attorney who makes sure to get the best possible outcome for his client. He is always available, and is knowledgeable, prepared and dedicated to his clients. He is not afraid to go to trial and…

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Mr. Judd Kleeger and his team at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek are great! They always provide very thoughtful and caring advice. Mr. Kleeger is extremely professional and very easy to work with.

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We quickly had to get legal counsel and we contacted Jordan Hecht. The rapport and guidance was outstanding at all times, prompt, timely and open for calls and updates. I can’t thank Jordan enough for his care, work and expertise….

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Had a great experience with attorney Ross Raggio. He was professional and attentive every step of the way – would highly recommend.

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Mr. Ross Raggio and his team at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., provided excellent legal services. His team and him were absolutely great, always returning calls or emails when we had questions about the case. Always very cordial, caring and…

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My wife and i are very grateful to Mr. Jordan Hecht for his sincere compassion and legal assistance during one of the most challenging time in our lives. He was extremely professional and answered all of our concerns. Mr. Hecht…

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Very professional and very responsive. I would highly recommend this firm to anyone in need of an attorney. The attorney Ross Raggio, who was personally assigned to my case consistently followed through and was able to bring the case to…

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Mr. Ross Raggio went above and beyond to settle my case during the height of the pandemic, a time when my options appeared limited and the likelihood of a satisfactory resolution seemed slim. He was responsive and professional, and was…

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I was a sole practitioner specializing in personal injury law in NYC for more than 36 years. When I decided to retire, I had to make several critical decisions before terminating my practice. To whom should I refer my clients…

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Ross was always available and working with my best interests, also very thorough with any questions I had along the case. Will recommend to others!

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Jordan Hecht of Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek is the best lawyer I’ve ever worked with.  He is smart, tough, and very professional. I highly recommend the firm and could not have asked for a better outcome.

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The HKD law firm is highly professional, responsive and caring. They were willing to handle my case when other firms declined. Not only did we win our case, but received a huge settlement.

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My representation by Jordan Hecht and the whole staff at Hecht, Kleeger and Damashek was top notch professional and very productive

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I have had the pleasure to work alongside Ross Raggio on several matters. He is an extremely talented attorney with an exceptional understanding of the law. I would recommend him and HK&D to anyone looking for a personal injury attorney.

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I came to know the firm through my relationship with one of the partners, Jordan Hecht. Jordan and I became close friends in law school. I have since referred several cases to Jordan and his firm ranging from a mesothelioma…

5 Stars Review 5
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From the moment that I contacted this Law firm and got assigned Mr. Ross. They have been nothing but helpful, Especially Mr. Ross. In the time that Mr. Ross took my case, it took him 3 months to a get…

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The best

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I cannot speak highly enough about this firm. The situation that necessitated my need for legal representation was very stressful on me and my family and the lawyers here were with me every step of the way. I could always…

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I retained Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek for a serious personal injury case. They were very professional and managed to obtain a settlement for me that far exceeded my expectations. I would strongly recommend this firm for anyone’s legal needs.

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After meeting a half dozen lawyers at different firms, I decided to go to Hecht, Kleeger and Damashek. As soon as I met Jon Damashek, I knew I had to look no further. Mr. Damashek made me feel at ease…

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After meeting with Jon Damashek I knew immediately he was the right attorney for me. I had met with other attorneys in the past, but Jon’s experience, knowledge, and track record were most impressive. I highly recommend Jon Damashek and…

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I know all three named partners at this firm and highly recommend them. They are very professional and tireless advocates for their clients. If you need a personal injury attorney, you cannot do better than Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek.

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I have worked with countless attorneys over the years and Jon Damashek stands out among them. I have seen first hand him advocate for his clients vigorously. He fights for the rights of the seriously injured, does not back down…

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I had the opportunity to work with Jon Damashek and had an amazing experience. I have known Jon for many years and always felt very comfortable relying on his expertise and knowledge of the law and more importantly his ability…

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I cannot recommend Jon Damashek highly enough. I attribute the favorable outcome to my case to his consummate and tireless dedication and tenacity. Just as important, he was truly there with me every step of the way. He was very…

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I had the opportunity of having this amazing team of lawyers work on my case. When I first met with Jordan Hecht and Michael Kusz, I really liked their energy and the spunk that they had, it meant business and…

5 Stars Review 5
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“I had the opportunity to work with Jon Damashek and had an amazing experience. I have known Jon for many years and always felt very comfortable relying on his expertise, knowledge of the law, and more importantly – his ability…

5 Stars Review 5
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“I cannot recommend Jon Damashek highly enough. I attribute the favorable outcome of my case to his consummate and tireless dedication and tenacity. Just as important, he was truly there with me every step of the way. He was very…

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Average 5 out of 5 rating based on 43 Reviews