Rollover accidents are among the most serious crashes that occur on New York roadways. If you or a loved one are victims of a rollover crash, you’re going to need help getting over it.
There’s a greater chance of death and lifelong injuries from rollovers, according to statistics from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). That help will include getting the compensation needed to recover and rebuild your life.
Being hurt in a rollover accident will likely mean financial stress from medical bills and lost wages, plus the pain of recovery and family stress experienced because you’re unable to contribute.
The New York City car accident attorneys at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. understand what you’re facing and are here to take the strain of pursuing your legal claim off of you.
You’re entitled to compensation for your injuries. Call us today at (212) 490-5700 or use the online form to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.
Understanding Rollover Accidents in NYC
One of the worst things that can happen while driving is being in a rollover accident. A rollover can occur when there is a sudden shift in weight and the center of gravity. If this shift occurs, the vehicle may tip onto its side or roof. If certain factors are present, a car can flip several times—in the air or on the ground—before stopping.
Most rollovers don’t involve other vehicles, but it is among the most serious of car accidents because of the physical force on the driver and passengers created by the car rolling. Due to this, even if wearing restraints terrible injuries and even death often occurs.
Although, according to the NHTSA, the majority of those killed in these accidents, around 69%, are not wearing safety belts. The NHTSA reports that almost 85% of rollover fatalities occur in single-vehicle crashes.
Typically, these accidents occur when a driver makes a sudden correction and then hits an object, like a curb. That reaction causes the sudden change in center of gravity and results in rollover. While the NHTSA data says only 3% of all crashes are rollovers, they account for nearly 35% of fatalities in passenger vehicle crashes.
What Makes a Rollover More Likely?
The presence of these factors can contribute to rollovers:
Vehicles with low centers of gravity, like coupes or sedans
Large, taller vehicles such as SUVs, trucks, and vans
Ignoring Traffic Signals
Distracted Driving
Because of the physics that cause rollovers, speed greatly increases the chances of being in a rollover. The same is true from “over corrections” that can occur when a distracted driver – perhaps looking a cell phone – drifts into an obstacle and is startled into jerking the wheel sharply.
What Compensation is Available after a Rollover Accident
Because New York is a “no-fault” insurance state, you are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. The first place the car accident attorneys of Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. look to help you through the financial stress of a rollover crash is your PIP insurance, which typically covers your medical bills and lost wages.
Getting Third-Party Liability Compensation for a Rollover Claim
Because of possible PIP limitations of coverage, if your injuries are serious – or a loved one has died – from a rollover accident, it may be that additional actions are necessary to get the compensation that you deserve for your damages. Through a third-party claim, our experienced car accident attorneys will work to secure compensation for:
additional medical expenses
emotional distress
loss of consortium
pain and suffering
property damage
funeral costs
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Why You Need a NYC Rollover Accident Lawyer
After you’ve been in a rollover accident, or you’ve lost a family member because of one, the last thing you need is the stress of financial pressure from mounting medical bills and no income.
Because these accidents are typically so serious and those injured face months of recovery and rehabilitation, you may be worried about making ends meet. And that’s why you need the experienced personal injury attorneys at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C.
We offer free, confidential initial consultations to discuss your claim. If you decided to entrust us your case, we will take all the legal burdens from you so you can concentrate on getting better or rebuilding your life from the loss of a loved one. Our attorneys will:
File your insurance report.
Communicate with all the parties.
Investigate, gather evidence, and witness statements
Determine if expert witnesses are needed
Handle settlement negotiations.
Take the matter to trial, if necessary.
How do I Deal With Insurance Adjusters?
It’s important to understand that after a serious accident, insurance adjusters will be calling and pressuring you to take a quick settlement.
They might be very nice and seem like they want to help – but their job is to save the company money, not give you the full and fair settlement of your claim that you deserve.
Never make a statement or sign a release without getting advice from a car accident attorney.
Wrongful Death and Rollover Accidents in NYC
If you lost a loved one in a rollover accident, you may be entitled to make a wrongful death claim in New York. State law restricts who can pursue a wrongful death claim and the kind of compensation that is allowed.
Under state law, a wrongful death lawsuit in a rollover crash can be brought by the spouse, child, or parent of the victim. The only way for other family members to do is if they were named as a representative of the deceased’s estate.
Damages in a wrongful death case are based on the economic losses that resulted because of your loved one’s death. Any award typically goes to the spouse and children – or others depending on who was receiving support from the decedent. Monies award in a survivorship claim go to the estate and are distributed according to the will – or by statute if there is no will.
I have had two cases with Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek and have had great results! I have netted over seven figures and would recommend the firm anyone who has been injured in a slip and fall or auto accident.
Get the Legal Help You Need After a Rollover Accident
The trauma of a rollover accident is immense and being in one is sure to cause serious injuries, even death. Our New York rollover accident attorneys at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. understand that the last thing you need is to worry about the financial pressures that come after being in a bad accident. All your energy should be poured into getting better and returning to your life. We can help you do that by pursuing the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
There are no upfront fees for our representation. Call (212) 490-5700 today for a free, confidential consultation about your rollover accident.