Construction work requires the use of power tools on an every-day basis. It is important that workers understand the hazards and safe work practices of each type of tool to prevent accidents. Employers are also legally required to provide their employees with appropriate training and tools, so that they can do their job safely.

In an effort to help construction workers stay safe, we put together the following power tool safety tips to offer a quick refresher that hopefully will help prevent unfortunate incidents.

  1. Accidents usually occur when experienced tool operators are overconfident, rush, or ignore safety rules. Do not hurry, your safety is more important than being on time. Pay attention and never underestimate the power of these tools.
  2. Do not use a power tool you are unfamiliar with. Even if it looks easy to handle, it is important to learn and practice before using it.
  3. Inspect tools before use. If it is not working correctly, report it immediately to a supervisor. Remove it from the work zone so that no one gets hurt.
  4. Avoid loose clothing and accessories that can get tangled with the power tool.
  5. Make sure that other workers are at a safe distance from your work area and always disconnect the tool when not in use. Keep cords away from heat, oil, and sharp edges; make sure you do not place them where they could become a tripping hazard.
  6. Wear appropriate safety gear. Your employer is legally required to provide you with the equipment necessary for each power tool.
  7. Never carry loose tools in your pocket. This seems obvious, but this unsafe practice is seen in almost every construction zone.
  8. Follow manufacturer’s instructions – even if your expert coworker says otherwise.
  9. Working with power tools in wet conditions can be extremely dangerous. If possible, avoid doing so.

Construction workers play a big role in safe practices, but employers are responsible for the safe condition of tools and equipment used by them. If you or a loved one experience an accident at a work zone with a power tool, contact us immediately for a free consultation. We will analyze your case and walk you through your legal rights.

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